Dear Roy Berko,
I enjoyed your review of my LA MANCHA, even though it caused twinges of pain in the esthetic regions. The twisted concepts of "concept" directors diminish and damage a play which has very precise aims and intentions. Your Cleveland production is a poor imitation of the Court Theatre's Chicago production to which I gave my blessing in agreement that it was a valid vision, even if it differed from my original intent. Your Cleveland production simply plays tricks to be different--the differences warping the play as written.
My memories of Cleveland go all the way back to the Jelliffes of
Karamu House whom I knew very well. I have a new play about Haiti,
AN ENCHANTED LAND, born of the time I spent in sad, sad Haiti, while
I was manager of the Katherine Dunham Company which headquartered
there. I premiered this play in London, but it hasn't yet been seen
in this country, and I think it would be ideal for Karamu. May I
send you a copy to see if you agree?
With my very good wishes,
Dale Wasserman
(author to the book of 'MAN OF LA MANCHA")